Fortnite Season 8 Week 2 challenges have been leaked

Fortnite recently embarked upon its Season 8 last week, and though it has not been confirmed, we seem to have come across some leaks about the challenges that will be coming in week 2 of the new season. The theme by Epic Games this time around is pirates, and in accordance a new weapon called the pirate cannon has been introduced by Epic Games.

The Fortnite Battle Pass description says, “The more you play, the more rewards you unlock. Level up faster by completing Weekly Challenges to unlock additional rewards like Outfits, Wraps, Emotes, Pets and more exclusive cosmetics.”

Fortnite’s Season 8 week 2 challenges have been discovered by the FortniteLeaks team who have posted the same. If there are no big surprises in the challenges that they can be expected in the upcoming week, these are the challenges we can expect to see this time around.

– Deal damage to falling supply drops
– Deal damage to opponents with a Pirate Cannon
– Eliminations in Salty Springs or Haunted Hills
– Search a chest in different named locations in a single match (exact locations unconfirmed)
– Gain health from Apples and Med Kits
– Land at: The Block, Dusty Divot, Polar Peak, Snobby Shores, Paradise Palms
– Visit the furthest North, South, East, and West points of the island

Most of these challenges are pretty self explanatory, except one of the challenges which has not been been given a location with a name yet. One of the most challenging ones to do might be the one to deal damage to enemies using the Pirate Cannon. We will just have to wait and see how things turn up.

from BGR India

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